Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Type (Component) Key

Abbreviation   Course Type (Component)
DIS Discussion: Classroom instruction carried on primarily through interaction among students and instructor. In some cases, it may supplement a large lecture.
LAB Laboratory: An aggregate of individual activity under supervision as a group; the meeting place has substantial facilities, instruments, or equipment for the purpose of the meeting and for specific use by the individual student.
LEC Lecture: Classroom instruction, primarily through lecture, presented by an instructor, with discussion not precluded but incidental to lecture.
REC Recitation: Classroom instruction carried on through interaction between instructor and students, designed to supplement a large lecture.
SEM Seminar: Classroom instruction for a limited number of students who share with the instructor responsibility for preparation of material to be discussed in class.
STU Studio: Instruction where outside preparation by the student is expected and where equipment/facilities specific to the instruction is often required. A studio course involves a mixture of face-to-face, group and individual activity, and also requires substantial outside preparation/engagement by the student
TUT Tutorial: Individual study and instruction usually arranged by mutual agreement of instructor and student.