Dec 04, 2024
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
CE 341LEC - Applied Mathematics for Chemical Engineers This course covers fundamental numerical and computational methods for modeling physical phenomena and processes with a focus on chemical engineering applications. An emphasis is placed on the implementation of the numerical methods in a programming environment and computer based modeling of chemical engineering applications. Topics include the solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems. Application of finite difference methods, interpolation, differentiation and integration, solution of systems of ordinary differential equations, boundary value problems, partial differential equations, and linear and nonlinear regression analysis. These methods are demonstrated via problems encountered in chemical engineering practice.
Credits: 3
Grading Graded (GRD)
Typically Offered: Fall
Requisites: Pre-Requisite: (MTH 241 or MTH 251 ) and (EAS 230 or EAS 240 or CSE 115 or EAS 999TRCP or computer programming course approved by CBE DUS); Co-Requisite: CE 212 and MTH 306 ; Chemical Engineering or Engineering Science Majors Only. SEAS Faculty Advisement required.