Mar 02, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
MGF 405LEC - Advanced Corporate Finance The objective of the course is to extend and put into practice the basic financial principles and tools developed in the introductory finance class, MGF 301 . We will discuss specific issues related to financial statements, taxes, cash flow valuation, capital investment decision, risk analyses and real options, bond valuation, costs of capital, long-term financing, capital structure, valuation and capital budgeting for levered firms, and application of options theory to corporate finance
Credits: 3
Grading Graded (GRD)
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Requisites: Prerequisites: MGQ 301 and MGF 301 , Accounting, Business Administration, and Mathematics majors (Actuarial Science) majors only. Note: Actuarial Science majors may use an alternate statistics course.