Feb 02, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
MGG 102LR - Introduction to Management for Majors II MGG 102 is the second course of a year-long course sequence, designed to introduce new UB School of Management freshmen to business administration as an academic discipline and to help students establish immediate academic contact with faculty and staff within the School of Management. This will be accomplished by introducing basic business concepts and principles as well as providing an overview of the functional areas of business. Additionally, selected topics in the course will assist first-year students in making the transition to the University at Buffalo and School of Management and will introduce career research skills, providing a context to succeed as business students.
Credits: 1.5
Grading Graded (GRD)
Requisites: Pre-requisite: In order to register for this course you must be a student in the School of Management and have completed MGG 101.