Mar 10, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
CL 708SEM - Latin Literature The Latin Literature Seminar offers graduate students an in-depth exploration of Latin texts at an advanced level. The topic changes each semester; the seminar may focus on a single author, a genre, a time-period, or a theme. Recent seminar topics include Vergil and his Critics, Sallust, Livy, Tacitus, Exchange Ideologies in Classical Literature, the Age of Nero. The seminar typically requires extensive reading in Latin, a survey of scholarship, and some combination of article critiques, in-class presentations, and a research project. (Malamud; Coffee) Political and Legal Theory in late Republican Rome - A survey of political and legal thought in the last decades of the republic that will feature a close reading of portions of Cicero’s De Republica and De Legibus. (Dugan) Credits: 3