2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Rehabilitation Science
501 Kimball Tower
South Campus
Buffalo, NY 14214-3079
Sue Ann Sisto, PT, MA, Ph.D., FACRM
Michael R. Brown, PT, Ph.D., DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Physical Therapy Program Director
Janice Tona, Ph.D., OTR
Occupational Therapy Program Director
Rehabilitation Science Overview
Rehabilitation science is about helping people live healthier, more active and independent lives. The field encompasses several disciplines-including occupational therapy and physical therapy-devoted to optimizing the quality of life for people whose functional capabilities are limited due to injury, disease, age or disability.
Occupational Therapy BS/MS
Our accelerated BS/MS program allows students to enter the field as occupational therapists in five years after high school or in three years after completing a previous bachelor’s degree with prerequisite courses, while studying at a Flagship University of the SUNY system. In the first two years of the five-year program, a liberal arts education allows flexibility to meet student interests while preparing for study in the professional program. Once in the accelerated OT professional program, students develop clinical evaluation and intervention skills to work with individuals of all ages with physical, psychosocial, and cognitive challenges to work toward improving their health and function. In addition, students design, develop, implement, analyze, and present group research projects under the mentorship of seasoned faculty. OT students also benefit from interprofessional activities with students across the academic health center and over six months of supervised field training.
We prepare students for a variety of settings currently served by occupational therapists, including medical, home care, community, vocational, and educational as well as preparing students to work in underserved settings that do not currently have OT. The strength of our program is evidenced by our high ranking by US News and World Report (#1 SUNY entry level OT program; Top 16% nationally), our reasonable tuition, and our NBCOT pass rate which has been very high within one year of graduation for several years.
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program
The department also offers a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). Students at UB earn a DPT through two paths: 3 + 3 combined Exercise Science BS - Pre-Physical Therapy Concentration/ Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) or by completing their Exercise Science BS then applying to the DPT program (4 + 3 traditional DPT). Only UB students are eligible to enter through the 3 + 3 combined Exercise Science BS/DPT program. Interested students from other institutions must have earned a bachelor’s degree before entering the UB DPT program.
Academic Advising
The Office for Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) is the centralized advisement unit in the School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP). The office provides advisement services to undergraduate OT BS/MS students in the school, and all students transferring into the OTBS/MS program.
Students who are accepted into the professional portion of the Occupational Therapy BS/MS program are assigned to a faculty advisor for the three years of the professional program.
Students who are accepted into the Doctor of Physical Therapy professional graduate program are assigned to a faculty advisor for the three years of the program.
Academic Advising Contact Information
School of Public Health and Health Professions
401 Kimball Tower, South Campus
Phone: 716-829-5000
Email: sphhp-oasa@buffalo.edu