2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
School of Social Work
685 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
Filomena M. Critelli, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Studies Coordinator
Social Work Overview
As an undergraduate student at UB, you have exciting options to explore in the School of Social Work and gain an introduction to the field. Select from an array of courses that concentrate on social justice and racial equity and build your knowledge and skills to promote community and individual change.
The Community Organizing and Development Minor prepares students with the skills and knowledge to help build economically and socially just communities and serve as agents for social change. The Community Organizing and Development Minor is grounded in a strengths-based, human rights and empowerment perspective that emphasizes the assets and resiliency of communities. The Minor is flexible and provides students with the opportunity to tailor coursework to their particular interests. It may complement a wide range of other majors such as law, public health, health and human services or sociology.
We also offer an undergraduate micro-credential in Child Advocacy Studies. Child Advocacy Studies is a three-course micro-credential that prepares undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines to recognize and respond to child abuse and neglect.
The UB School of Social Work is ranked among the best graduate schools of social work in the country, according to the most recent survey by U.S. News & World Report. Ranked in the top 10 percent of schools nationwide, the school was 25th in the overall survey in 2019.
Academic Advising
Students obtain academic advice and guidance from the Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Social Work (685 Baldy Hall). The purpose of advisement is to provide students with guidance in course sequencing and selection.
Academic Advising Contact Information
School of Social Work
685 Baldy Hall, North Campus
Phone: 716-645-1250
Email: swinfo@buffalo.edu
ProgramsMinorsMicro-credentialsOther Programs