Mar 13, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Medicinal Chemistry BS/MS
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Undergraduate Course Requirements
Medicinal Chemistry Core (64-65 credits)
One Chemistry Lab Elective (2-3 credits)
One Elective Undergraduate Science Course (3 credits)
See advisor for details. Graduate Course Requirements
Medicinal Chemistry Core (18 credits)
- CHE 501LEC Organic Chemistry Credits: 3
- MCH 501LEC Drug Discovery Principles Credits: 3
- MCH 615LAB Medicinal Chemistry Res AND MCH 616LAB Medicinal Chemistry Res (12 credit hours total)
- MCH 700TUT Thesis Guidance
4 Elective Graduate Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry Graduate Lecture Courses (12 credits)
One Elective Chosen From: (credits)
- CHE 503 - (Inorganic Chemistry)
- CHE 505 - (Physical Chemistry I)
- CHE 506 - (Physical Chemistry II)
- CHE 507 - (Analytical Chemistry)
- CHE 508 - (Statistics & Instrumentation)
Two Elective Courses Chosen From: (credits)
- CHE 502 - (Synthetic Organic Chemistry) OR
- MCH 517 - (Heterocyclic Chemistry)
- MCH 502 - (Medicinal Chemistry 2)
- MCH 524 - (Mechanisms of Drug Action)
- MCH 525 - (Molecular Modeling)
- MCH 527 - (Combinatorial Chemistry)
- PHC 531 - (Intro to Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics 1) OR
- PHC 630 - (Drug Metabolism and Disposition)
One Graduate CHE/MCH Lecture Course (credits)
MCH 498 is recommended in Fourth Year Fall (3 credits) and Fourth Year Spring (3 credits), not required. Total Credits Required for Undergraduate Major: 69-71
Additional Degree Requirements Include:
- Additional coursework to fulfill UB Curriculum requirements
- Elective courses as needed to complete the 131 credit hour total
Total Undergraduate Credits Required: 98-100
Total Graduate Credits Required for Degree: 30
Total Credits Required for Graduation: 128-130
Total Credit Hours Required represents the minimum credits needed to complete this program, and may vary based on a number of circumstances. This should not be used for financial aid purposes. Program Distinction
A student in this major is eligible for Program Distinction upon degree conferral if the criteria are met. Criteria are found under Academic Honors in the Policy and Procedure section of this Catalog. Program Distinction is noted on the official transcript. Curricular Plan
A Curricular Plan provides a roadmap for completing this academic program and the UB Curriculum on time. Your actual plan may vary depending on point of entry to the university, course placement and/or waivers based on standardized test scores, earned alternative credit and/or college transfer credit. Fourth Year Spring
- Technical Elective Credits: 3
- Grad Science Elective Credits: 3
- Grad Science Elective Credits: 3
Fifth Year Fall
- Grad Science Elective Credits: 3
- MCH 615LAB - Medicinal Chemistry Res Credits: 6
Fifth Year Spring
- Grad Science Elective Credits: 3
- MCH 616LAB - Medicinal Chemistry Res Credits: 6
- MCH 700TUT - Thesis Guidance Credits: 0
Total Credits Required: 128-130
Note: Some classes may count toward both a major and UB Curriculum requirement. Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student will have knowledge to: - Demonstrate knowledge in the basic sub-divisions of the science (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and biological chemistry)
- Use modern instrumentation and classical laboratory techniques
- Design and conduct scientific experiments for the purpose of solving a scientific problem and to record and analyze the results
- Understand the proper procedures for safe use of chemicals and can follow the proper procedures for chemical waste disposal
- Use modern library searching and retrieval methods to obtain information about a topic, chemical, chemical technique, or an issue relating to chemistry
- Identify and solve chemical problems and explore new areas of research
- Understand the chemical basis for the rational design, synthesis, and mechanism of action of drugs, and selective metabolic inhibition
- Find employment in industry or government or be accepted at graduate or professional schools (pharmacy, medicine, etc.)
(HEGIS: 19.10 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY, CIP: 40.0599 Chemistry, Other) |
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