2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
History BA/Law JD
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Admission Criteria
To be eligible for matriculation to the School of Law, Accelerated BA to Law JD students must meet the Law JD Admission Criteria Twelve History Courses (36 credits)
- Eight of the twelve HIS courses must be at the 300/400 level (24 credits), including at least two 400-level HIS seminars.
- At least one course, at any level, must be taken from each of the four different breadth areas below.
- It is recommended that students take 100 and 200-level courses that satisfy the breadth requirement in the first two years.
Early or Early Modern History of Any Civilization to 1800 (PRE)
Asian, African Continent, or Latin American History of Any Period (AAL)
Modern European History Since 1800 (EUR)
JD Requirements
JD First Year Requirements (32 credits)
- LAW 509LEC - Torts Credits: 4
- LAW 501LEC - Civil Procedure Credits: 4
- LAW 507LEC - Property Credits: 4
- LAW 515LEC - Legal Analysis, Writing and Research I Credits: 4
- LAW 503LEC - Contracts Credits: 4
- LAW 505LEC - Criminal Law Credits: 4
- LAW 511LEC - Constitutional Law 1 Credits: 4
- LAW 516LEC - Legal Analysis, Writing and Research II Credits: 3
- LAW 500TUT- Professional Development Credits: 1
JD Second and Third Year Requirements (58 credits)
- LAW 564LEC - Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Credits: 3
- LAW Experiential Course(s) Credits: 6
- LAW Seminar Course Credits: 3
- LAW Research/Writing-intensive Course Credits: 3
- LAW electives at the 500-level or above Credits: 43
Experiential Course options
- LAW 523TUT - Judicial Externship - Intensive Credits: 3-5
- LAW 567LEC - Lawyers as Change Agents: Pathways to the Public Good Credits: 3
- LAW 637LEC - Corporate Negotiations Credits: 3
- LAW 686LEC - Food, Drug, & Medical Device Law Credits: 3
- LAW 817LEC - International Arbitration Credits: 3
Seminar Course options
- LAW 639SEM - 9th Amendment Credits: 3
- LAW 695SEM - Land Use Planning Credits: 3
- LAW 822SEM - Gender, Sexuality, & Law Credits: 3
Research/Writing Course options
- LAW 722SEM - Intensive Research & Writing Sports Law Credits: 1-4
- LAW 762SEM - Adv Topics in Law & Society Research: Foundations Credits: 3
- LAW 956LEC - Introduction to Appellate Advocacy Credits: 3
Breadth requirement: A course that seems to fall into two breadth areas may be used to satisfy the requirement of one area. A course used to fulfill a requirement for a double major, joint major, or a minor in another subject may not also fulfill a requirement for the history major. Total Credits Required for Undergraduate Major: 36
Additional Degree Requirements Include:
- Additional coursework to fulfill UB Curriculum requirements
- Additional elective credits to reach 90 total undergraduate credits.
Total Undergraduate Credits Required: 90
Total Credits Required for Graduate Degree: 90
Total Credits Required for Graduation: 180
Total Credit Hours Required represents the minimum credits needed to complete this program, and may vary based on a number of circumstances. This should not be used for financial aid purposes. Academic Requirements
Each HIS course must be completed with a minimum grade of C- (1.667), to count toward the History BA requirements. An overall grade point average of at least 2.150 in courses counting toward the history requirements is required to graduate. UB Seminars (198/199 courses) may not count toward major requirements. Transfer Credit Policy Transfer students majoring in history may receive credit for up to five history courses (15 credit hours) but must take seven upper-level history courses, including the two 400-level seminars, at UB. Transfer courses will be evaluated and will only be applicable to the BA if they directly articulate to or otherwise satisfy one of the History BA requirements. Program Honors
Majors who complete at least four history courses with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.330 (B+) or who have a letter of support from a faculty member willing to supervise their project are eligible to apply for admission to the History department Honors Program. Students participate in HIS 497 and HIS 497 and produce a substantial thesis based on primary source research. Students must also meet the remaining criteria outlined in the Academic Honors policy. Students who successfully complete the honors program and meet the criteria will have the appropriate notation on their official transcript. Program Distinction
A student in this major is eligible for Program Distinction upon degree conferral if the criteria are met. Criteria are found under Academic Honors in the Policy and Procedure section of this Catalog. Program Distinction is noted on the official transcript. Curricular Plan
A Curricular Plan provides a roadmap for completing this academic program and the UB Curriculum on time. Your actual plan may vary depending on point of entry to the university, course placement and/or waivers based on standardized test scores, earned alternative credit and/or college transfer credit. First Year Fall
- UB Seminar Credits: 3
- HIS 100 or 200-level (breadth) Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Pathway Credits: 3
- ENG 105LEC - Writing and Rhetoric Credits: 4 OR Pathway Credits: 3
First Year Spring
- Pathway Credits: 3
- HIS 100 or 200-level (breadth) Credits: 3
- HIS 100 or 200-level Credits: 3
- Pathway Credits: 3
- ENG 105LEC - Writing and Rhetoric Credits: 4 OR Pathway Credits: 3
Second Year Fall
- Scientific Literacy and Inquiry 1 Credits: 3
- Math & Quantitative Reasoning Credits: 4
- Pathway Credits: 3
- HIS 300-level Credits: 3
- HIS 300-level (breadth) Credits: 3
Second Year Spring
- Pathway Credits: 3
- Scientific Literacy and Inquiry 2 Credits: 3
- Scientific Literacy and Inquiry Lab Credits: 1
- HIS 300/400-level (breadth) Credits: 3
- HIS 300/400-level Credits: 3
Third Year Fall
- Communication Literacy 2 Credits: 3
- HIS 300/400 level Credits: 3
- HIS 400 level Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- UBC 399MNT - UB Curriculum Capstone Credits: 1
Third Year Spring
- HIS 300/400 level Credits: 3
- HIS 300/400 level Credits: 3
- HIS 400 level Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 2
First Year JD Fall
- LAW 515LEC - Legal Analys, Writing & Res I Credits: 4
- LAW 501LEC - Civil Procedure Credits: 4
- LAW 509LEC - Torts Credits: 4
- LAW 507LEC - Property Credits: 4
- LAW 500TUT- Professional Identity Credits: 0
First Year JD Spring
- LAW 505LEC - Criminal Law Credits: 4
- LAW 503LEC - Contracts Credits: 4
- LAW 511LEC - Constitutional Law 1 Credits: 4
- LAW 516LEC - Legal Analysis, Writing & Res II Credits: 3
- LAW 500TUT - Professional Development Credits: 1
Second and Third Year JD
- LAW 564LEC - Legal Ethics and Pro Respon Credits: 3
- LAW Experiential Elective Credits: 6
- LAW Seminar Elective Credits: 3
- LAW Research Writing Elective Credits: 3
- LAW 500+ Electives Credits: 43
Total Credits Required: 180
Note: Some classes may count toward both a major and UB Curriculum requirement. |
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