Mar 13, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
English BA/Information and Library Science MS
Return to: Majors and Combined Degrees
Three ENG 200-level courses (9 credits)
One Criticism/Theory course (3 credits)
One Breadth of Literary Study course (3 credits)
Three Early Literature courses (9 credits)
Five English Elective Courses (15 credits)
Distributed as follows: - Four ENG/COL 300/400 level elective courses, excluding ENG Communication Literacy 2 courses (ENG 350 through ENG 359 ) (12 credits)
- One ENG 400-level elective course, neither an internship nor an independent study can fulfill this requirement (3 credits)
Graduate Requirements (36 credits)
- LIS 507 - Information Life Cycle Credits: 3
- LIS 508 - Information Users and Use Credits: 3
- LIS 575 - Introduction to Research Methods Credits: 3
- LIS information Management Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Information Technology Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Information Users and Uses Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Professional Skills Elective Credits: 3
- Five additional LIS Electives Credits: 15
Total Credits Required for Undergraduate Major: 39
Additional Undergraduate Degree Requirements Include:
- Additional coursework to fulfill UB Curriculum requirements
- At least 20 undergraduate elective credits.
Total Undergraduate Credits Required: 99
Total Credits Required for Graduate Degree: 36
Total Credits Required for Graduation: 135
Total Credit Hours Required represents the minimum credits needed to complete this program, and may vary based on a number of circumstances. This should not be used for financial aid purposes. Program Honors
English majors can enter the Honors Program in one of two ways: Students with a 3.500 GPA or higher within the major can apply directly to the Office of Undergraduate Studies. Any English major who has a 3.800 GPA within the major, with grades in at least two 200-level and three 300-level English courses may, upon application, enter immediately into the Honors Program. Students must complete one English honors seminar (3 credits) and one senior thesis. Students complete the honors thesis in one or two semesters (3-6 credits). Students must also meet the remaining criteria outlined in the Academic Honors policy. Students who successfully complete the honors program and meet the criteria will have the appropriate notation on their official transcript. Program Distinction
A student in this major is eligible for Program Distinction upon degree conferral if the criteria are met. Criteria are found under Academic Honors in the Policy and Procedure section of this Catalog. Program Distinction is noted on the official transcript. Curricular Plan
A Curricular Plan provides a roadmap for completing this academic program and the UB Curriculum on time. Your actual plan may vary depending on point of entry to the university, course placement and/or waivers based on standardized test scores, earned alternative credit and/or college transfer credit. First Year Spring
- ENG 200-level elective Credits: 3
- Pathway Credits: 3
- Pathway Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
Second Year Fall
- Criticism/Theory course Credits: 3
- ENG 200-level elective Credits: 3
- Pathway Credits: 3
- Pathway Credits: 3
- Scientific Literacy 1 Credits: 3
Second Year Spring
- Breadth of Literary Study course Credits: 3
- Early Lit Course Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Scientific Literacy and Inquiry 2 Credits: 3
- Scientific Literacy and Inquiry Lab Credits: 1
- Pathway Credits: 3
Third Year Fall
- Communication Literacy 2 Credits: 3
- ENG/COL 300/400-level elective Credits: 3
- ENG/COL 300/400-level elective Credits: 3
- Early Lit Course Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
Third Year Spring
- Early Lit Course (300/400-level) Credits: 3
- ENG 300/400-level elective Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 3
- Elective Credits: 2
- UBC 399MNT - UB Curriculum Capstone Credits: 1
Fourth Year Fall
- ENG/COL 300/400-level elective Credits: 3
- LIS 507LEC Information Life Cycle Credits: 3
- LIS 508LEC Information Users and Uses Credits: 3
- LIS 575LEC Intro to Research Meth Credits: 3
Fourth Year Spring
- ENG 400-level Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Info Users & Uses Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Information Management Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Information Tech Elective Credits: 3
Fifth Year Fall
- LIS Grad level Professional Skills Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Open Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Open Elective Credits: 3
Fifth Year Spring
- LIS Grad level Open Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Open Elective Credits: 3
- LIS Grad level Open Elective Credits: 3
Total Credits Required: 135
Note: Some classes may count toward both a major and UB Curriculum requirement. Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student will have knowledge to: - Students will think, read, speak, and above all write critically and creatively
- Students will be able to read in detail and in cultural context
- Students will understand critical methods and theoretical concepts
- Students will gain knowledge of periods and genres
- Students will develop ability to articulate an idea lucidly and persuasively in writing
- Students will develop skills for doing research and deploying evidence appropriately
- Students will appreciate aesthetic experience
(HEGIS: 15.01 ENGLISH- GENERAL, CIP: 23.0101 English Language and Literature, General) |
Return to: Majors and Combined Degrees