Mar 19, 2025
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Classics BA/Latin Adolescence Education EdM
Admissions Criteria
Current UB students seeking admission to the Classics BA will be added to the major upon request by completing the College of Arts and Sciences Major/Minor Change Request Form. In order to progress to graduate portion of the program, students must meet the criteria listed in the “Academic Requirements” section below. Undergraduate Course Requirements
Classics Core (9 credits)
Language Requirement (22 credits)
Five Classics Electives (15 credits)
- One CL 300/400 level Art/Architecture Elective (3 credits)
- One CL 300/400 level History Elective (3 credits)
- One CL 300/400 level Lang/Lit Elective (3 credits)
- Two CL 300/400 level Electives (6 credits)
(See AAR for list of course options) Education Core (16 credits)*
Graduate Course Requirements
Latin Adolescence Education Core (27 credits)
- LAI 552 Middle Childhood/Adolescent Literacy Methods
- LAI 593 Teaching World Languages at the Elementary level
- LAI 595 Supervised Teaching II
- LAI 589 Second Language Research OR LAI 515 Action Research to Improve Teaching and Learning
- LAI 616 Methods for Teaching World Language (Grades 7-12)
- LAI 667 Field Experience
- LAI 668 Supervised Teaching I
- LAI 674 Seminar in Teaching
- LAI 698 Instructional Strategies in Inclusive Classrooms
Four Latin Electives (12 credits)
In consultation with an advisor, student selects four 500 level LAT courses and/or: LAI 581, LAI 582. Culminating Experience (1 credit)
* Dual listed with a graduate course and satisfies both undergraduate and graduate requirements. Total Credits Required for Undergraduate Major: 46
Additional Degree Requirements Include:
- Additional coursework to fulfill UB Curriculum requirements
- 16 credits of Education Core*
Total Undergraduate Credits Required: 93
Total Graduate Credits Required for Degree: 40
Total Credits Required for Graduation: 133
Total Credit Hours Required represents the minimum credits needed to complete this program, and may vary based on a number of circumstances. This chart should not be used for financial aid purposes. Academic Requirements
Minimum GPA of 2.000 overall. To progress to the graduate portion of the program, students must maintain a 3.000 GPA, earn a “C” grade or higher in content courses (courses in the undergraduate major); earn a “B-” or better in all education coursework (courses that begin with CEP, ELP, and LAI), and complete an interview in the Office of Educator Preparation. Students must complete these progression points by March of year three of the bachelor’s program to be eligible to register for graduate level coursework. No formal application is required for graduate school. Curricular Plan
A Curricular Plan provides a roadmap for completing this academic program and the UB Curriculum on time. Your actual plan may vary depending on point of entry to the university, course placement and/or waivers based on standardized test scores, earned alternative credit and/or college transfer credit. Second Year Fall
- CL 300/400 level History Focus Credits: 3
- CL 300/400 level Art/Arch Credits: 3
- Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning Credits: 4
- Scientific Literacy and Inquiry 1 Credits: 3
- LAT 301LEC - Latin Language and Culture III Credits: 3
Fourth Year Fall
- CL 500 level Elective Credits: 3
- CL 500 level Elective Credits: 3
- CL 500 level Elective Credits: 3
- LAI 552LEC - Mid Chld/Adoles Ltrcy Mtd Credits: 3
Fourth Year Spring
- CL 500 level Elective Credits: 3
- LAI 589 Second Language Research OR LAI 515 Action Research to Improve Teaching and Learning Credits: 3
- LAI 616LEC Methods for Teaching World Language (Grades 7-12) Credits: 3
- LAI 414LEC - Adolescent Writing Across the Curriculum Credits: 3
Fifth Year Fall
- LAI 667TUT - Field Experience Credits: 3
- LAI 668TUT - Supervised Teaching I Credits: 3
- LAI 698SEM - Instructl Stratgs Inc Cls Credits: 3
Fifth Year Spring
- LAI 593LEC - Teaching World Languages at the Elementary level Credits: 3
- LAI 595TUT - Supervised Teaching II Credits: 3
- LAI 674TUT - Seminar in Teaching Credits: 3
- LAI 700TUT - Capstone Credits: 1
Total Credits Required: 133
Note: Some classes may count toward both a major and UB Curriculum requirement. Learning Outcomes
Students in the combined program will complete the same learning outcomes as for the Classics BA -Ancient Latin Language and Literatures concentration degree. In addition, graduates of the Latin Education EdM program will: - Have knowledge of the fundamental elements of Classics, through study of the languages, Greek and Roman history, art and archaeology, and culture.
- Develop the ability to read and analyze texts closely, whether in translation or in the original language.
- Demonstrate the ability to write papers, drawing on research tools in the various subdisciplines–texts, documents, physical remains, scholarly articles and books, theoretical approaches, and digital tools.
- Understand the legacy of the Greek and Roman world, its historical importance in our own culture.
- Be encouraged to supplement classroom learning with experience abroad, whether as part of an archaeological expedition or study abroad program.
(HEGIS: 15.04 CLASSICS, CIP: 16.1200 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General) |